Este ensayo (o historia) lo escribí en clases en LSI el miércoles pasado, a la maestra le encantó y me animó a seguir escribiendo y a mejorar mi organización, corregí algo, la organización no mucho, se los comparto:
"The Storm"
Last week, the weather man on T.V reported that the whole week was going to be sunny. But he lied. Just after the T.V show ended, black clouds were hiding the sun. Suddenly, the wind began to blow so hard that the temperature started going down and the rain drops started falling down. The Thunders were sent by Zeuz and the biggest storm ever registered in the story began...
There we where, at the beach, enjoying a sunny day, we thought the day was going to be the perfect day for surfing and a beach party. We where wrong, that man on "The Early Show" lied to everyone, or at least gave us the wrong facts. We start running away, trying to get everything into the car, there was no time, the rain fell heavier and heavier, and little pieces of ice start falling from the sky.
Was it snowing? was it the end of the world? how about the thunders; was it an electric storm? I didn't think so. Everyone was running away from that horrible storm, falling down, in their swimming suits and going back for their stuff. That was not a great idea for the couple who where in the middle of the ocean. While they where swimming all of their stuff got wet and a huge wave took all their stuff into the ocean. Once they got it onto shore, they had nothing else they could do but run, run away from the biggest wave ever recorded in that part of the sea.
On the other side of the beach the kids where building sand castles, at least until the storm began. The disaster, where are their parents? everyone shouted, I don't know! someone answered. I'll go and get them, we will find out ater, there's no time now!
Once the beach was empty, and the kids were rescued, the great storm began to recede, slower, slower until the last drop touched the ground.
What a day, it was a very, very awuful day, but as soon the moon came down, everything calmed down. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful night. That's why they say: "There is always calm after the storm"
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